I'd flown a simulator before but this was the real deal- up-in-the-sky-far-to-fall-certain-death! I don't mind admitting
I was a little nervous but there was also part of me that just couldn't wait!! Since I was probably only going to do this once, I brought along my pal, Rob to document this event and provide proof that I did it because I could h
ardly believe it myself. I also thought he might dig the ride. Here we are in front of the plane that I was to fly(left).
Mr. Joshua showed me the different parts of the plane and explained a little something about lift and drag and thrust. Then he went over the safety checklist and we inspected all the different parts of the plane for loose bits and rotting and leaking and such. Here he is (right) clearing out the cockpit while I wring my hands in anticipation of death. We got ready to do the cockpit check but first we had to stuff Rob in the back of the plane with his knees up by his ears to fit. Okay, I'm exaggerating but it was a tight fit.
Mr. Joshua showed me the different parts of the plane and explained a little something about lift and drag and thrust. Then he went over the safety checklist and we inspected all the different parts of the plane for loose bits and rotting and leaking and such. Here he is (right) clearing out the cockpit while I wring my hands in anticipation of death. We got ready to do the cockpit check but first we had to stuff Rob in the back of the plane with his knees up by his ears to fit. Okay, I'm exaggerating but it was a tight fit.
Mr. Joshua got us off the ground and then said the most terrifying words I've ever heard "You've got the plane." Arghhhhhhh!!!!! I gripped that yoke so tight that I think I embedded my fingerprints in it permanently(right). Mr. Joshua sat next to me and gave i
instruction, encouragement and directions.(left).
I brought the plane up to 3,500 feet and then leveled it out. I turned left and right and did a 360 degree turn. I kept my little cartoon wings on the instrument panel as level as I could and looked around for other aircraft and followed the bearings I was given. I was going more than 100 miles per hour!! We flew over our post and I could see my school. We flew over town and I could see my neighborhood. I had no idea so many of my neighbors had pools! Then we headed out to the coast and came back through a beautiful sunset (below)
As we got closer to the airfield, I used a GPS to fly. It works just like the ones in a car.Naturally, Mr. Joshua did the landing;at the airfield I only had to learn to fly the plane, not land it. He did a fabulous job. I had a new appreciation for pilots after this experience!
Here I am after the flight a little nauseous but safe and sound on the ground. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night 
Wow! Yay! Congrats! Very Cool! (Lots of exclamation marks and not much of substance in this comment, but I'm very impressed - and jealous!)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a great adventure. I'm not one for heights either but I will give anything ago once. The 360 turn must have felt strange but amazing.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great with your list, keep going. I am soooo jealous
Way to go Edith. I'm proud of you
ReplyDeleteYou were in great hands with Josh.
I'm so glad you got to check this off your list!! Great pics, btw! As far as I'm concerned, flying a plane is one of the most amazing experiences. I was also all over the place during taxi (why can't they just taxi like a car??), but how did you do during turns? I almost put the plane in a spin when I first attempted turns. I can't possibly manage to observe all my instruments at the same time. For now, other TTD keep popping up and preventing me from getting my license. :)
ReplyDeleteI've just come across your site and was quite jealous as I've always fancied flying a plane. I'n not sure how good I'll be because it took me six tries to pass my driving test!!!