I am blessed enough to have had more than 101 people respond to be adventure companions for me on my 101 adventures. Because I of this, I've had to spread a few of the adventures out. In this case, instead of simply breaking the law, I will break one law for every letter of the alphabet. That lets me bring in at least 25 more people, ya dig?
Breaking the law will not be easy for me because I am SUCH a goody-goody. I am Debbie-Do-Right, the poster child for always doing the right thing. I was that kid in school who always had her homework, never smoked in the bathroom, always told the truth never cheated at cards. I am sure that, after each one of these illegal events, you'll be able to find me on my knees in a confessional or trying to make amends for my dastardly deed.
Naturally, I will not engage in any felonies or do anything that will cause harm to anyone. YOUR part in all this is to NOT rat me out to the coppers. I'll start looking for opportunities to do my illegal acts and report back as I hit each of the letters.June 27, 2011 Letter D - D is for Deface. I defaced this dollar bill which was in circulation to look like a vulcan. This is in violation of US code Title 18, part 1, Chapter 17.

June 18, 2013 Letter U- U is for Uploading and Unauthorized Drawing- So, I went to this major museum and the security staff was very fussy about people with sketchpads. I had to get a sketching permit and sign these papers that said that I wouldn't upload any of my sketches to social media. Well...I'm gonna. Hopefully, no one will recognize this statue.
They made me stay in certain rooms and they had restrictions on paper size and sketching medium. I had charcoal which I had to surrender and they gave me a little golf pencil to use so I did the best I could. While I was sketching, a class of kids came through the museum and declared "Gross! She's drawing a butt!"
Ah hah! So it was you whole stole my cat! Thief! Hehe, good luck :D
ReplyDeleteUmmmm, I was in the wrong part of one of the Smithsonian buildings last summer and was taking digital photos of some real cool artwork. Unfortunately I was told by their worker bees that I had turned the corner to the restricted photo hallway. I asked if I needed to delete the photos I had just taken...but the nice guy just told me that they are required to tell us not too take photos....they aren't required to make me delete the photos that I'd already taken. Good thing...they are some of my prized photos now!
ReplyDeletehey when you come to visit sometime in the next 3 years you will be illegal...you aren't listed on my rental contract! ;)
ReplyDeleteCathy, that makes me feel better that (probably) no one will show up at my door and take me to art jail.
ReplyDeleteArt jail sounds fun though.
ReplyDeleteThe walls would look nice.