Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Number 49 See Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses


December 21, 2010 Part 1 - Lunar Eclipse 

Curled up on the sofa with
the camera ready to go!

 This was a pretty cool lunar eclipse to watch. It occurred on the Winter Solstice. That hasn't happened since 1632. Plus, there was a nice clear night for moonwatching.  Since it was starting at 1:33 a.m., I took a nice long nap so I could stay up and watch the whole thing. Didn't quite make it - I eventually had to rely on my alarm to keep waking me up. It was freezing outside so I snuggled up on a sofa near the door and ran out every half hour to snap a photo. 

So, here are the highlights:

At the beginning

A bigger bite gone

...'bout halfway there and turning "bloody"

Very faint image of the Blood Moon.

The starts to be visible again on the other side.

...and here is me- "eclipsed"
come morning.