I have to say that this was the easiest item on my list because it fell right into my lap! A colleague and I organized a fundraiser for the earthquake victims in Haiti and the newspapers and TV stations came to cover the closing ceremony. Here's the story and pictures:
Teachers slimed, 'snaked' for Haiti relief
On-post schools raise $4,000 for charity
Third Infantry Division Rear Detachment Commander, Col. Stuart McRae slimes Diamond Principal Lynda Kidd on Friday as part of the school’s fundraiser to help disaster victims in Haiti. 3rd ID mascot Rocky was on hand to assist.
Photo by Denise Etheridge
Photo by Denise Etheridge
Staff writer
Third-grade teacher Edith Allison allows herself to be “wrapped” with a non-poisonous snake during a
school assembly.
Updated: Feb. 8, 2010 11:49 a.m.

The Fort Stewart school’s 700 students raised $4,064, which was donated to the American Red Cross for earthquake relief in Haiti. The goal set was $2,000.
“We are just astounded!” said Edith Allison, a Diamond Elementary third-grade teacher. “We doubled our goal. The children brought in pennies and nickels each day. We encouraged them to do chores at home to earn money to donate.”
Children also donated their allowances, she said.
Allison and fellow third-grade teacher Candace Riley went to school administrators with the idea to get the children involved in raising funds for Haiti the day after the earthquake. The teachers coordinated the school’s fundraising campaign.
Allison said each class set a fundraising goal of $50-$100. Most classes raised more than $50, and some raised more than $200.
Teachers promised their students they would do “something outrageous” if the classes surpassed their fundraising goals, Allison said.
Since her students collected more than their $50 goal, Allison allowed herself to be “wrapped” with a live snake. It was a non-poisonous pet boa.
One teacher, an avid Yankee’s fan, was “made over” into a Red Sox fan. Another teacher who is a die-hard Georgia Bulldogs fan allowed her students to paint a Florida Gator on her face.
Other teachers allowed themselves to be hit with water balloons, sprayed with silly string or get taped to the wall. Some classes received awards, such as ice cream or chocolate pizza parties. And other students won a week free of spelling quizzes.
When the final tally was announced Friday, the entire school gathered in the gym for an assembly.
Diamond Elementary School Principal Lynda Kidd allowed herself to be “slimed” with green goo in front of the entire school.
“They’ve been waiting all week to slime me,” Kidd, dressed in worn sweats, said with a smile.
Kidd’s guest “slimers” were the Marne mascot, Rocky, and Col. Stuart McRae, 3rd ID rear detachment commander.
“What you all have done will help those kids in Haiti who have lost everything in the earthquake,” McRae told students. “You can be proud of your accomplishment when you go to bed tonight.”
McRae presented a commander’s coin bitten by Rocky to Kidd after sliming the principal. The colonel said Kidd deserved the coin because she “was a good sport,” and for general excellence.
Kidd said the fundraising campaign incorporated the school’s character building program, Gator Traits.
“I am so proud of these children,” Kidd said. “Our main purpose (for the campaign) was to help people in the world that need it.”